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“Depth, Validity, Precision, Strength”—— The Summary of College Teachers’ Temporary Service to Local Economic and Social Development

Fusheng Zhang, Jiangbing Du, Chunli Zhang, Beiju Huang


Local governments can rely on their own talents and scientific and technological resources, and based on the theory of field integration, temporary posts at the grassroots level should be able to quickly change roles from college teachers to local service personnel, constantly learn from practice, pay attention to investigation and research, and seek truth from facts. Adhere to the “four consciousness”, “four self-confidence” and “two maintenance”, serve the regional talent recommendation, science and technology docking, platform carrier construction, and even serve the local industrial transformation, business environment optimization and other work, and actively off er suggestions to help the regional social and economic development of high quality.


University teachers; Take a temporary post; Service; Economy and society; Develop

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v8i5.13389
