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Confucianism plus OBE Teaching Reform in Higher Education of China -A Case Study of Anshan Normal University

Linlin Wang, Rakheebrita Biswas


This article intends to introduce a trend of integration of Confucianism philosophy and OBE (Outcome Based Education) concept in teaching reform in higher education in China, especially for students’ sustainable development. The case study is carried out on 3 levels, philosophy level, teaching and management organizing level practical, focusing on the underlying Confucianism philosophy in moral education for future teachers, teaching reform with OBE concept, and global competence cultivation for students’ sustainable development.


Confucianism teaching philosophy; Case study; OBE (Outcome Based Education); Anshan Normal University; Lifelong learning

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v8i5.13393
