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Research on the Present Situation and Suggestions of Classroom Teaching Reform of Computer Major in Colleges and Universities under the Internet + Environment

Yang Zhao, Jingyi Sun


With the rapid development of Internet technology, the field of education has also ushered in unprecedented changes, especially in the teaching of computer majors in colleges and universities. The integration of the Internet not only changes the way of obtaining teaching resources, but also has a profound impact on the teaching mode, teacher-student interaction, curriculum content update and other aspects. The classroom teaching reform of computer major in colleges and universities has become an important part of education reform, and its current situation and challenges are worthy of further discussion. At present, the teaching of computer courses is facing a series of problems such as how to effectively integrate Internet resources, improve teaching interaction, and enhance students’ practical ability. The promotion of teaching reform also needs to consider how to adapt to the rapidly changing technological environment, and how to cultivate students’ innovative thinking and lifelong learning ability. Therefore, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the current situation of the classroom teaching reform of computer major in colleges and universities under the Internet environment, and puts forward practical suggestions, hoping to promote the development of computer education.


Internet +; College computer major; Educational reform; Current situation; Suggestion

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v8i5.13395
