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A Study on the Translation of Public Signs in the Palace Museum of the Manchurian Regime in the Context of Cross-cultural Communication

Yanli Ge


This study takes public signs in the Palace Museum of the Manchurian Regime as the research object.From the perspective of cross-cultural communication,this study explores the expression and dissemination of traditional Chinese cultural elements involved in the translation process.Through the comparative analysis of the original text and the target text,this paper explores the strategies and effects of accurately transmitting the connotation of traditional Chinese culture under different cultural backgrounds. It is found that cultural differences in translation are not only a linguistic problem,but also involve complex factors such as cultural cognition and historical memory.This paper aims to provide a deeper understanding and strategy for cross-cultural translation.


Cross-cultural communication;Palace Museum of the Manchurian Regime;Translation of public signs;Traditional Chinese culture;Cultural cognition

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v8i5.13423
