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Exploration of the New Teaching Mode of Career Planning Course in Colleges and Universities under the Background of Digitalization

Weihua Liu, Min Zhong, Su Peng, Jue Wang


This paper discusses the application of digitalization in college career planning courses and its influence on the teaching mode, and explores the construction of the new teaching mode. The construction of the new teaching mode is student-centered, emphasizing personalized learning, practical ability cultivation and comprehensive evaluation, and using digital tools such as online platform, VR and AR technology to improve the teaching effect and student experience. The advantages of the new teaching mode lie in meeting students ‘personalized needs, improving students’ interest and initiative in learning, and cultivating students’ practical ability and comprehensive quality.


Digitalize ; Career planning course; New teaching mode

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v8i5.13433
