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COVID-19 and Chinese Kpop Fan Community--Case in BTS

Xinying Huang


V(Kim Taehyung), a member of BTS,has inspired remarkable fan dedication in China. In 2021, his Chinese fan community raised 5.42 million RMB within the first hour of fundraising for his 26th birthday. Earlier, on December 30,2020,these fans paid for a birthday ad on Dubai’s Burj Khalifa. What’s shocking is that all of this happened during the COVID-19. It seems that the epidemic has not affected fan behavior, but is this really the case? This article examines the intense interest and strength of Chinese Kpop fans, focusing on BTS Chinese fan community as a case study. It also explores how COVID-19 has impacted the community, particularly in terms of fan identity and group activity patterns, by discussing fan community constructs like identity and behavior.


Kpop;Covid-19;Fan community;Fan Behaviors

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v8i5.13434
