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The Designing Strategies of the O-AMAS Model Applied in Effective Teaching of English Major Courses

Min Niu


Ensuring the highest standards of teaching quality in college English majors is of utmost importance, as it plays a vital role in nurturing well-rounded and globally-minded individuals. The O-AMAS teaching model is centered around students and emphasizes the formulation of learning objectives from multiple dimensions, the strategic design of learning plans, the integration of various learning methods, the establishment of a comprehensive evaluation system, and the optimization of reflection and summary. It offers a systematic solution for designing English major courses. This paper examines the current implementation of the O-AMAS model in English courses. It also presents a teaching design strategy for English courses that is grounded in the O-AMAS model, considering five different dimensions.


English major courses; O-AMAS model; Teaching design strategies

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v8i5.13441
