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Logical Thinking of Socialist Core Values into the Internet Legal Construction

Shengqian Zhang


In the construction of Internet legal system, the rule of virtue and the rule of law are indispensable. The combination of socialist core values and the construction of Internet rule of law will help consolidate the mainstream ideology of the Internet, lead the trend of correct values with socialist core values, and clarify the socialist direction of the construction of Internet rule of law. In order to promote the better integration of the two, we should push forward the network legislation as soon as possible. And it is important to make sure there are laws to follow, and implement the 16-character policy of "scientific legislation, strict law enforcement, fair justice and law abiding by the whole people". In addition, we need to rely on the Internet to establish effective channels of communication between the government and the people, strengthen the Internet supervision and management right of the people, strengthen international cooperation, build a perfect order of cyber security, and promote harmonious social development.


Socialist Core Values; Internet Rule of Law

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v3i3.1493
