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Practice and Thinking of Mixed Teaching Based on MOOC Class

Meng Luo


MOOC, which refers to a large-scale open online course, is an "Internet + education" online course model emerging from the information society. The MOOC is different from the traditional curriculum model. It is not only for dozens of students, it is for thousands of students regardless of nationality or region. In recent years, in China, the MOOC course has received great attention. Through the analysis of Coursera's data, the number of registered users in China has increased sharply every year, far exceeding other countries in the world. In many higher education institutions in China, the study of the MOOC teaching model has become one of the key points of the teaching reform. The mixed teaching based on the MOOC has begun to be used in college English, ideology and politics, biochemistry, engineering, nursing, etc. In professional courses. This article discusses the mixed teaching practice based on MOOC. By analyzing the difference between mixed teaching and traditional teaching, it points out the key points and difficulties of mixed teaching in practice.


MOOC; Mixed Teaching; Practice; Thinking

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v4i9.2637
