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Design and Practice of Ideological and Political Teaching in "Mechanical Principle" Course

Yayun Jin, Yuanyuan Xu, Ji Luo


This paper first analyzes the present situation of the course of mechanical principle, then enumerates the practical measures in the course of mechanical principle, clarifies the goal of the course, excavates the elements of the course and integrates the course into the teaching. For the follow-up curriculum ideological and political reform direction to provide ideas.


Curriculum Ideological and Political; Mechanical Principle; Ideological and Political Elements

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[1] At the National Conference on Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities, Xi Jinping stressed that running ideological and political work through the whole process of education and teaching will create a new situation for the development of higher education in China. People’s Daily 9 Dec 2016.

[2] Jin Y,Cheng Y,Gu Y. Discussion on the reform of mechanical principle curriculum in applied undergraduate colleges——Taking Nantong Institute of Technology as an example. Education Modernization 2018; 5(01):105-107.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v5i2.3324
