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The Benefits of Digital Technology Development to Commercialization of Musical Production

Junwen Su


The profound development of digital technology has played a key role in the commercialization of musical production. The development of the digital technology has enabled the people with different ways to enjoy the benefit of music. Nowadays citizens are popularized with the digital music channel from the carrier of CDs in the 1990􀆳s to the digital music service providers in the digital format such as mp3. Musical production benefited from the development of digital technology especially the computerized software program in a way that the newly-developed technology has made it possible for the music to spread further on the Internet regardless of the barrier of political, borders and culture. The appearance of digital technology has greatly improved the efficiency of the commercialization process in musical production. In this paper, the purpose and objective is to examine the development stage of the commercialization process of music and therefore to determine the impact as well as the pros and cons of the process towards the evolution of music.


Digital Technology, Music Production, Commercialization

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v5i5.3628
