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Challenges, Opportunities and Countermeasures for National Security of Universities’ Campus in the Post COVID-19 Epidemic Era from the Perspective of Net Assessment Theory

Qinghua Du, Lei Li


The Net Assessment theory is an auxiliary means of strategic analysis implemented by the United States, which
has made great contributions to the maintenance of the global hegemony of the United States and the US military.
According to the analysis of the Net Assessment theory, the national security of colleges and universities in the post
epidemic era is facing new challenges, including internal and external threats, explicit and invisible risks, tangible and
intangible risks, short-term risks and long-term risks. There is no strict boundary among these risks and challenges, and
they will transform into each other under specific conditions. Although there are different risks, opportunities and risks are
the same. The measures taken by China in the face of the epidemic and the results achieved reflect the advantages of
China's political system, which is conducive to strengthening the education and cognition of political security and
non-traditional security in Colleges and universities, and to improving the crisis awareness and coping ability of teachers
and students. In the post epidemic era, colleges and universities should sum up the historical experience and lessons,
improve the national security awareness and ability of teachers and students, pay attention to hardware construction, and
relevant departments should strengthen security assessment and issue early warning in time, so as to better safeguard
national security.


Net Assessment; Post COVID-19 Epidemic Era; National Security; Risks

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Included Database


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v5i7.3831
