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Asynchronous Learning Network and Student Outcomes: The Utility of Online Learning Components in Blended Learning Environment——A Case Study of the Course of International Finance (Bilingual)

Li Jiang


In this research we focus on the Asynchronous Online Course Management System (AOCMS) that provide students and instructors with opportunities to extend learning outside of the classroom and to share knowledge outside the classroom. We found AOCMS was successful in providing students with a means to explore and share new information, and with a powerful mechanism for building course community, increasing course interaction and aiding in learning. By employing the data of the usage of AOCMS and the scores of the students in a hybrid class, the research reveals a significantly positive partial correlation between the overall usage and the exam scores.


Asynchronous Learning Network; Blended Learning; Student Outcomes

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v5i9.4026
