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Construction and Exploration of Applied Course of Intercultural Communication

Jiangna Huang


Intercultural communication course is the core course of foreign language majors. It is also an important platform course for non-English majors to expand Intercultural knowledge and cultivate Intercultural awareness and Intercultural ability. As the carrier of language and culture education. Intercultural communication curriculum should highlight its own curriculum characteristics and advantages, make the root of Chinese culture deeply rooted in students’ hearts, and enhance cultural identity. In this way, it can actively, appropriately and effectively spread the excellent culture of China in Intercultural communication, be a good messenger of Chinese culture, tell Chinese stories and spread the good voice of China. Based on the current situation of inter cultural communication teaching, the construction of intercultural communication application-oriented curriculum analyzes and studies the existing Intercultural communication teaching mode, teaching methods and means, evaluation system and the improvement of teachers’ teaching ability, constructing a practical mode of intercultural communication curriculum, striving to application-oriented curriculum transformation, helping students adapting to the development of the time, cultivating compound talents with independent learning ability, lifelong learning awareness, international vision and intercultural communication ability.


Intercultural Communication; Applied Courses; Reform and Exploration

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v5i10.4115
