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A Study of Homework Assignment Abstract

Kun Hua, Yuhui Xiao


The aim of this paper is to provide some reference for English teaching. On the basis of Humanism,the questionnaire survey and interview, the author found the main problems in English assignment: the traditional English homework is not very suitable for the interest of the students in the course. There are many problems in the traditional English homework designing, mainly by copying words, reciting the text, and doing exercises. Students are overburdened with homework, thus impede their interest in learning, Consequently, students are unwilling to do their homework, dislike English course, or even hate English. The paper tries to analyze the reasons and find out more effective ways for students to learn English, to improve students' learning efficiency and to reduce the burden of students. By doing this the author hopes the findings can help improve English teaching in primary and middle schools.


English-Homework; New Curriculum Environment; Effective Measures

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i4.4356
