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Applying Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition to Mobile-Assisted English Vocabulary Learning— A Comparative Case Study on Three Chinese Mobile Applications for Learning English: Shanbay, Baicizhan and BBDC (Bubeidanci)

Yang Wu


The accelerated development of mobile technology has facilitated the effective application of mobile terminal devices to English learning, especially to English vocabulary acquisition. This research employs incidental vocabulary acquisition to conduct a comparative case analysis of vocabulary uptake of Chinese Top 3 popular mobile English vocabulary learning applications. The comparative analysis is divided into two parts including multi-mode gloss types provided for learning and vocabulary tests designed for evaluation. Then, it is further concluded that the focus of application designers is form recognition and meaning comprehension instead of meaning construction, for which reason output evaluation should be added in the forms of sentence making, writing, or L1-L2 translation for better vocabulary uptake and retention. It is also suggested that learners are supposed to choose the appropriate vocabulary learning applications in accordance with their learning objectives.


Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition; Mobile-Assisted Learning; Gloss; Vocabulary Tests

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i10.4636
