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Reformation of computer programming lan-guage teaching in higher vocational colleges based on the characteristics of python language grammar

Yufei Xie, Dongbo Zhong


Computer programming language teaching in vocational colleges has long been influenced by our undergraduate education, while the teaching of computer programming language in China was influenced by western universities. The development of computer programming technology faces different levels and different characteristics of students, as such the choice of computer programming language cannot be target-less. The development of the programming languages in the market has their own advantages and disadvantages. Thus, specific teaching language cannot be generalized. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current situation of computer programming language teaching both in China and overseas, to explore the problems of computer programming language teaching in higher vocational colleges, and to propose teaching methods and ideas of computer programming language based on Python language grammar normative to the characteristics of higher vocational education.


Python; vocational colleges; introductory programming language

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v1i1.469
