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Comparative Research on the Text Patterns of the English Introductory Webpages of the Chinese and American Transnational Enterprises

Shenyue Wang


At present, there are many problems with the English translation of the introductory webpages of Chinese transnational corporations, including the inaccuracy and low quality of translations. Besides, it is also serious that some contents cannot be understood by foreign readers or are not attractive enough for them. Webpage profiles of American multinational corporations usually embody a high degree of reply expectation with diversification of text patterns, and readers are provided with more choice. This study takes "discourse" as the research unit, and conducts comparative analysis on the English webpages of Chinese and American transnational enterprises in the field, tenor and mode of discourse, according to Martin's register theory. Based on the analysis, the study provides Chinese transnational enterprises with useful translation strategies in the layout of their webpages in English, and helps them develop their international business better.


Chinese and American Transnational Enterprises; English Introduction; Discourse; Register

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i14.4875
