The Study of KOL Marketing on the Purchase Intention of Guizhou Consumers’ Beauty Brands in the Era of Self-Media
In recent years, Key Opinion Leader (KOL) marketing had successfully used the high popularity of KOLs to promote products, effectively combining social networking and marketing and opening a new model of social commerce. The three
research objectives of this study were; to analyze the influence of consumers’ purchase intention on the marketing economy of
beauty brand influencers; to explore the influencing mechanisms among brand experience, perceived value, brand identity, and
purchase intention; and to provide reference opinions for the sustainable development of KOL in beauty brand development.
research objectives of this study were; to analyze the influence of consumers’ purchase intention on the marketing economy of
beauty brand influencers; to explore the influencing mechanisms among brand experience, perceived value, brand identity, and
purchase intention; and to provide reference opinions for the sustainable development of KOL in beauty brand development.
KOL Marketing; Purchase Intention; Era of Self-Media
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