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Comparative Evaluation of School Climate in Selected University in China Towards School Improvement Plan

Shijun Fei


Utilizing descriptive comparative design and conducted in Hunan Shaoyang University, this study intends to determine the difference of school climate in terms of safety, teaching and learning, institutional environment, and interpersonal relations as assessed by the teachers and students. Based on the analysis of the data collected, the researcher came up with the conclusions and gives certain recommendations on the improvement plan of Shaoyang University.


Comparative Evaluation; School Climate; Improvement Plan

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Included Database


Han C, et al (2018). Pilot Study of Instrument to Measure Effect of School Climate, Teachers’ Commitment, Teachers’ Motivation and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction Towards Teachers’ Work Performance. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.34) (2018) 398-402.

Bradshaw C, et al (2021). Addressing School Safety Through Comprehensive School Climate Approaches. School Psychology Review (2021).

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i23.5350
