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A Report on the E-C Translation of Walden (Excerpt)

Sini Li


This report mainly analyzes the difficulties from the lexical, syntactic and textual perspectives and put forward to the corresponding solution based on the E-C translation practice of the Walden. The author tried to translate it into the classical Chinese. This translation report can be divided into four parts. The first part is the introduction of the background, the significance of the task, the source text and the authors. Part two is the case analysis. the translator mainly analyzes the key difficulties during the translation from lexical, syntactic and textual perspectives. The third part is the summary of the translation task involving gains from the translation practice and deficiencies and possible improvements of the task. The last part is conclusion.


Walden; Literature Translation; Translation Methods; Classical Chinese

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i24.5405
