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Study of Influencing Factors of Teacher Brain Drain in Sichuan Private Vocational Colleges

Xiaoyun Zhu


‘Brain drains’ is a phenomenon in people with high skills, qualifications, and competence. One prominent case of the brain drain happens when teachers decide not to return to work for different reasons. The support factors that influenced this inclination as teachers’ perceptions of their attitude toward professional development, remunerations, and promotional opportunities of job satisfaction, working background, self-developed pressure, organizational pressure, and inter-relationship of work pressure relating to work resignation. The three research objectives are; to analyze the reasons for the brain drain of teachers in a private college in Sichuan, to explore the concept of turnover intention, job satisfaction, and job stress through influencing factors, and to suggest preventive measures for reducing teacher turnover intentions.


Influencing Factors; Teacher Brain Drain; Sichuan Private Vocational College

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Included Database


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i13.6032
