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Why Do Undergraduates Majoring in Languages Other than English (LOTE) Switch to Another Career after Graduation? A Qualitative Exploratory Study

Weiwei Dai


The study investigates the influencing factors of undergraduates majoring in Portuguese choosing to change careers into non-language-related ones after graduation, and how they strategically use their undergraduate learning experiences for career preparation. This study draws on semi-structured interviews with 26 undergraduates majoring in Portuguese from six universities in Beijing. The study found that the most important factor influencing students’ career change was the loss of interest, the increasingly unbalanced relationship between supply and demand for the Portuguese job market, the high entry threshold of lang-related jobs, low returns, and uncertain career prospects of Portuguese jobs. However, undergraduate learning experiences in Portuguese major helped them explore career opportunities with intercultural communication skills, and open up new paths for the industry to find their ideal careers. Finally, this paper provided pedagogical implications for LOTE majors and how to help students of humanities and social sciences find new ways of career choices.


LOTE; Career Decision; Portuguese Major; Employability; Humanity Jobs

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i14.6106
