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Sustainable Leadership and Quality Teaching Towards Educational Transformation in the New Normal

Yuling Xiao


Unexpected pandemic results in a dramatic and rapid shift in academic institutions. Future learning strategies for educational transformation and lifelong learning are required. This study firstly aims to determine the profile of the respondents specifically their age, gender, year level and degree. Furthermore, it aims to identify the students’ perception on the impact of educational transformation in new normal in terms of the following: (1) inclusivity, (2) critical thinking, (3) communication skills, (4) collaboration and (5) creativity. Using a descriptive design research method to investigate the variables presented in the study, the researcher utilizes a purposive sampling for this study. Upon conducting and interpretation of results, the researcher concludes that there is no significant difference in the students’ perception on the impact of educational transformation in the new normal following the variables.


Sustainable Leadership; Quality Teaching; Educational Transformation; The New Normal

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Included Database


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i23.6216
