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Discussion on the Pros and Cons of Post-Bureaucratic Approach Towards Managing Contemporary Organisations

Hui Song


Infl uenced by increasingly changed world context, some scholars argued the traditional bureaucratic form of organization is no longer applicable. On the contrary, there is an opposite hypothesis refers as post-bureaucracy, which attempts on an new organizational form that operates beyond the existence of rules, principles and hierarchies. Through learning from the experience of Netfl ix, it states that post-bureaucracy will contribute to the long-term sustainability, lower operational cost and a higher performance outcomes. Nevertheless, Wildfi re’s situation illustrate that with the increase in company scales and complication,post-bureaucracy will bring poor responsibility distribution, reluctant to communication, lack of formalization and problematic decision making. From bureaucracy to post-bureaucracy, it is more important for organisations to treat this choice as a matter of degree rather than of kind.


Pros; Cons; Post-Bureaucracy; Degree

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i20.6409
