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Improving Students’ English Learning Experience under the Background of Internationalization

Yu Liu


Globalisation has increasingly pushed academic institutions towards internationalization. As such it has becomean institutional priority in many Asian countries. Internationalization in “higher education has multiple dimensions – cur-ricula, students and faculty, technology, and programs” . This paper focuses on how these fi ve dimensions can be brought together, and implemented, such that they provide students with accelerated learning opportunities during the internation-alization process. How global events impact the day-to-day operations tends to be unique to the university. Recent events resulting from the 2019 COVID-19 global pandemic have required extensive institutional adaptation. Almost overnight,face-to-face instruction was stopped in favour of online teaching. In China, the government launched an emergency policy initiative aimed at continuing education in the face of the pandemic. The policy was called “suspending classes without stop-ping learning” . The policy began the process of transitioning to online education. This paper discusses the fi ve dimensions of the internationalization process in light of recent events that are making e-blending learning a part of the daily lives of Chinese students.


Internationalization; E-blending Learning; Chinese Students; Policy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i21.6670
