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The Vision Challenges and Countermeasures of the Digital Transformation of Higher Education Teaching

Baoli Wei


Digital teaching is an inevitable trend for the development of education, higher education learning has faced the fi nal
stage of career planning, nowadays China’s network penetration rate has reached seventy percent, along with the development of
information technology, the business model and future development of major enterprises will be associated with digital, intelligent,
higher education teaching digital is also conducive to students in the future The digitalization of higher education is also benefi cial
for students to master more professional skills in their future careers, to be profi cient in using various offi ce software, and to
become talents in demand in the workplace. In the current situation, digital teaching in education has been an important way to
transform many universities, which is conducive to high quality teaching objectives, personalized development of students and
digital awareness of students. However, the challenges faced in the transformation process are also extremely serious, not only for teachers and students but also for school leaders. This paper discusses the vision, challenges, and countermeasures of digital transformation in higher education and off ers possible solutions for reference.


Higher education; Digitalization of teaching and learning; Digital vision; Challenges and responses

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i21.6675
