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Investment Probabilities of Commercial Elderly Care Service Industry

Kaikai Ma


As China has become an aging society since 2000, elderly care service has become the target of investment. With this right moment and strong interest, this report is written to discuss the existence of investment opportunities and the market features of elderly care service industry. Report fi rst focus on analyzing the investment possibilities of commercial elderly care service through people’s needs in three diff erent levels: old people, the only child and social attitudes. These people’s needs all point out the importance of elderly care service in the near future. Upon that, The profi t model and operation model are being discussed as well to help analyze the market of elderly care service industry in China. Based on the analysis introduced in the report, as the number of old people continues to grow, the market for commercial elderly care service keeps expanding, which brings great opportunities for investors in the coming 40 years.


Elderly care service; Investment opportunities

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i21.6690
