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Determination of Destination Attribute Performance and Tourist Emotion in Tourism Experience —— Take the Pre-survey of Tourists to Ningxia as an Example

Jingjing Cao


Tourists’ travel experience is usually aff ected by many factors in their destination. More and more studies agree that the combination of cognitive assessment and emotional results is equally important for the impact of destination tourism experience.However, there are still some diff erences in the methods of destination attribute and emotion measurement in previous studies. This paper takes tourists to Ningxia as an example to determine the attributes of tourist destinations and the measurement dimensions of tourist consumption emotion. In order to achieve the goal, 50 tourists were pre-studied by questionnaire survey, and SPSS was used to analyze the validity and reliability. The results show that all measurement dimensions have good validity and reliability.This paper helps to improve the relevant research of Ningxia as a tourist destination, and determines the destination attributes that may enhance tourists’ tourism experience, which has certain theoretical and practical value.


Tourism experience; Destination attribute; Consumption emotion

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i22.6816
