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An Analysis of Lexical Errors in Senior High School Students’ English Writing:A Corpus-Based Study

Maojuan Ding


When we see the previous studies on English writing errors,we can find some interesting phenomenon. First,most of these research objects are college students majoring in English and non-English majors.There are few studies on writing errors of middle school students. Therefore, this paper focuses on senior high school students and focuses on the teaching of English writing in middle schools, which can fill the gap of previous studies to some extent.Second, in terms of research content, many previous studies only classified writing vocabulary errors without comprehensive causes analysis, or did not give specific suggestions to reduce the frequency of errors. Based on this, this study will break through these shortcomings.It is also a corpus-based study and conduct a deeper analysis of high school students' English writing vocabulary mistakes and the relationship between it and writing quality .


English Writing; Vocabulary Errors; Senior High School Students; Corpus

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i24.6965
