Exploring Strategies to Enhance and Optimize the File Management of International Students in Chinese Colleges and Universities
Global economy is interconnected, and university collaborations are becoming more global. As more international students come to study in China, student file management is being put to the test. In this essay, we look at strategies to improve and maximize the management of students' files in light of current practices. Second, suggestions are made on how to improve and optimize the management of student files from a development perspective.
International students; Higher education; Chinese colleges and universities; File management
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[1] LIU Litang, Collection of research explorations on the theory and practice of higher education [M], Wuhan, Wuhan University Press, (2018):359.
[2] HE Shubing, Thoughts on effectively strengthening the management of international student files in universities [J], Lantai World (2019): 18.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i1.7007
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