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Translation Methods of Advertising Text in English and Chinese with Rhetorical Features

Zhuoyi Zhang


The word advertising is originated from the Latin advertere, which means a means of drawing the attention of the public to something and persuade them to make a decision. It is also a marketing campaign that draws the attention of the public to a target product. In order to achieve the aesthetic feeling and publicity effect of attracting customers, advertisements often use rhetorical devices to enhance the impact of language, and various kinds of rhetoric techniques are frequently used in advertising text in English and Chinese. Therefore, exploring the rhetorical features of advertising text in English and Chinese will be of great help for us to understand the commercial value of advertisements, and it can also improve our appreciation of the advertising language. This paper analyzes the rhetorical devices applied in advertising language in English and Chinese and introduces their semantic functions and the aesthetic feeling achieved in the target reader as well as explores the translation methods of advertising text in English and Chinese.


Advertising text in English and Chinese; Rhetorical features; Translation methods

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i1.7038
