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Anti-Bullying from Multiple Angles Policy of Bullying Prevention

Yujian Zhu


Bullying is essentially a social behavior, a problem in the process of interpersonal communication, that is, relationship problem. The complexity of human beings makes it very difficult to figure out the causes of such problems. The long-term impact of bullying is very devastating. Punishing the perpetrators of bullying or protecting the victims is not the ultimate solution to bullying. Find out why the perpetrators want to bully, what are their abnormal psychological and living conditions, and what kind of help and support schools and their families can provide. Cutting off the source of bullying is the best way to stop bullying, which requires the joint efforts of family, school and society.


Anti-Bullying framework; Process to deal with bullying; Safety reporting system

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i1.7040
