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‘Can Education Make a Difference?’A Qualitative Study on the Experiences of Chinese Higher Education Graduates with Disabilities Entering the Labour Market

Jiawei Tian, Mengjie Ma


While researchers continue to work on the employment exclusion experiences of higher education graduates with disabilities (GwDs), the dimensions of such understanding remain inconsistent across cultures, and relevant studies on China are very few. In addition, little is known about the coping strategies of GwDs facing exclusion. To fill these research gaps, this study used a qualitative research approach to explore the experiences of exclusion and coping strategies of GwDs employment in higher education in China. The researcher conducted online interviews with 12 GwDs, ten employers, three NGO representatives, and one government official from China. The findings suggest that GwDs in China experience some form of intentional and unintentional exclusion. Specifically, it identified three barriers to employment: 1) widespread tangible and intangible discrimination from employers; 2) poor implementation of the quota system that reduces employment opportunities; 3) problems with GwDs' employability and employment mentality. Regarding coping strategies, GwDs tend to adopt positive solution strategies (i.e. seeking external help) rather than negative avoidance strategies when faced with employment challenges. Some GwDs apply self-adjustment strategies to redirect their job search and improve their employability. This paper discusses the practical and policy implications for better integration of GwDs into the job market in the future. It states that universities should strengthen inclusive education for GwDs to better integrate into society and work with the business community to increase employment opportunities for GwDs. The government should provide more incentives for businesses to hire GwDs. Businesses should take the initiative to understand the disabled community, and GwDs themselves should improve their employability and develop a positive employment mentality. Social organisations should reach out to employers to help GwDs integrate better into the workplace, thereby reducing the burden on companies and encouraging them to employ more GwDs.


Students with disabilities; Higher education; Employment; Discrimination

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i2.7119
