Research on the Contemporary Education Value of Fair Competition in Sports
Fair competition is the fundamental requirement of competitive sports and also the hot issue of social concern. "Fair competition in sports refers to the competition in which the subject takes his own physical condition as the basis condition and rules the same rules as the standard under the premise of fair rules, within the scope of permitted technology application, including the stipulation of three levels: rule fairness, operation fairness and fair compensation". Most domestic researches on fair competition focus on the definition of fair competition, the connotation of fair competition in sports, and fair behavior in sports competitions. Most scholars believe that fair competition is an important part of the Olympic spirit and the core value of competitive sports.In this paper,Through the method of literature analysis, logical analysis of sports fair competition to explore the sports fair competition in contemporary education value. Conclusion: It has the value of competitive education, cultural education and moral education under the background of contemporary physical education.
Fair competition; Competitive sports; Value of education
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