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Differences of Nonverbal Communication in Qatar World Cup

Yun Zou, Yuting Jia, Xiangwan Wu, Jialin Zhang


In cross-cultural communication, verbal communication is important, but the role of non-verbal communication can not be ignored. The former focuses on producing sound effects, while the latter focuses on producing visual, sensory and tactile effects. Different countries show significant differences in the use of nonverbal communication due to historical culture, living customs, national character and other reasons. At the 2022 Qatar World Cup, a sports event, rich cross-cultural communication fully reflects this difference. The non-verbal communication system, like the verbal communication system, is the product of a certain social culture. It is necessary to treat the cultural differences with respect, equality and inclusiveness, which will help promote cross-cultural communication and promote the exchange, learning and reference of different civilizations.


Nonverbal communication; Intercultural communication; Cultural differences; Attitude

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i4.7264
