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Quality Assurance System for Teachers in Australian Rural Primary Schools and its Implications

Zhengyu Bi, Xiaohui Feng


Improving the quality of teachers is a common goal in countries around the world today. Australia, as one of the countries with a high degree of teacher education in the world, has invested more in guaranteeing the quality of rural teachers and has also achieved remarkable results. Its teacher quality assurance system is relatively complete, which has strong significance for the reform of rural teachers in China and the promotion of high-quality development of rural teachers. This paper examines the entry, induction and retraining of new teachers, and the withdrawal of teachers in Australia, according to the different stages of teacher development. The study examines the quality assurance system of teachers in Australian rural primary schools, analyses the advantages of the Australian system of high-quality teacher training, and draws the following inspirations in the light of China's actual situation: firstly, a strict teacher entry system to ensure a good entry barrier for teachers; secondly, a collaborative training system among the government, schools and teachers to promote the professional development of primary school teachers; and thirdly, a sound teacher withdrawal system to improve the teacher quality assurance system.


Australia; Rural primary school teachers; Teacher quality assurance system

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i4.7272
