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Strategies for TikTok’s Development from the Perspective of Information Interaction Design

Yuanyuan Hu


With the arrival of 5G era and constant economic improvement, the everlasting evolution of the Internet and fragmentation of people’s reading time laid the ground for the development of short-form videos. Short videos are a new form of communication where people can access knowledge and information to a maximum degree, and they present a new way of daily browsing and social interaction. On short video platforms, the transformation from “targets” to “users” has brought forth more new needs. [1] The application TikTok for one has achieved a rapid growth due to the celebrity eff ect since its launch in 2016,and gained support from many users with daily increase of online users on account of the consistent improvement of the app.As a major method of design, Information Interaction Design has been applied and expanded in more and more fi elds. TikTok’s short videos are a medium during the process of information communication, and information interaction design, as a brand-new mode of information communication, plays a guiding role, partial to overall, during the information communication of TikTok videos, making the videos’ information more entertaining and effi cient. Indubitably, many aspects yet to be improved still exist in the content of TikTok videos. To fulfi ll the optimization of the communication eff ects and innovation of the communication content requires the platform’s attention on multiple aspects. Only standardizing the usage of TikTok can make the content more transparent and positive.


TikTok; Information interaction design; Information product

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i5.7307
