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The Value and Application of Lip Shock in Trumpet Performance

Yilin Xing, Shuo Li


Lip shock is a commonly used technique in trumpet playing. It has the characteristics of low threshold and high upper limit. The instrument resonates through the full vibration of the breath between the lips, and the change of the lip muscle state makes the trumpet timbre and tone change accordingly, so that trumpet playing can be fl exibly transformed between high bass and strong and weak sounds, and the music played by trumpet is melodious and long. On the basis of mastering the basic principles of lip shock and advanced skills, through scientifi c and reasonable practice and rest, it reveals the diff erent stages of trumpet exercises such as lip shock introduction, lip shock advancement, and the coordination of lip shock and breath. The solution to the challenge is to help trumpet players improve their lip muscle ability, lip muscle endurance, improve playing skills, and coordinate the infl uence of psychological state on muscle control in the performance, further improve the level of trumpet performance.


Lip shock; Trumpet playing; Breath coordination

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i5.7377
