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Take Bixia Temple as an Example to Study the Current Situation and Design and Development of Tourism Cultural and Creative Souvenirs of Ancient Buildings in Mount Tai

Yige Gao, Yixuan Sun, Xuehu Xie


Tai'an City takes Taishan tourism as its pillar industry, but the current situation that its revenue mainly depends on tickets in the past is diffi cult to sustain. It is urgent to develop high-quality tourism cultural and creative souvenirs to increase sales revenue. There are many ancient buildings in Mount Tai with a long history and high cultural value and development potential. This paper analyzes the existing problems of Taishan cultural and creative souvenirs, and takes Bixia Temple as an example to excavate architectural elements and design cultural and creative souvenirs. It is expected to provide references and examples for the current research and design development of cultural and creative souvenirs of ancient buildings in Mount Tai.


Taishan ancient architecture; Cultural symbol extraction; Cultural and creative product design; Bixia Temple

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i5.7380
