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Correlation Analysis Between R&D Expenditure and Company Income of High-tech Enterprises in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone,in China

Yanyu Liang, Dr.Jessa T.Festijo


The main products of high-tech enterprises are high-tech products,so high-tech products are of great importance to any high-tech enterprise.For this reason,many high-tech enterprises invest a large amount of funds in the research and development of high-tech products every year,which is the research and development expenses referred to in the industry,in order to ensure their advantages in the technology,type and quantity of high-tech products.This paper collects and studies the fi nancial data of R&D expense input of 15 high-tech enterprises engaged in the production of stainless steel products for 5 years,and selects the advantages and disadvantages of three representative R&D methods of three diff erent high-tech products.Under the double measurement of R&D expense investment risk and high output,the comparative fi nancial research on the advantages and disadvantages of R&D expense investment mode has certain reference signifi cance for the decision makers of high-tech enterprises in deciding how to invest R&D expense in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone,in China.


Comparison of R&D modes of high-tech products;Comparison of R&D expenses; Risks and outputs

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i7.7543
