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The Eff ects of Flipped Classroom on Chinese EFL Students’Learning Attitudes Towards College English

Xuelian Huang, Piriya Somasundram


With the increasing popularity of the fl ipped classroom teaching model, more research on the fl ipped classroom emerged.However, most studies are about the structure of the fl ipped classroom itself or its impact on students’ performance, while relatively few studies are about the eff ect of the fl ipped classroom on students’ learning attitudes. Therefore, this study investigated the eff ect of the fl ipped classroom teaching model on students’ attitudes toward learning English guided by the constructivist learning theory.By randomly selecting two intact classes with 113 students, quasi-experimental research combining a mixed-method research approach was conducted. The students were involved in a fl ipped classroom for 16 weeks, and then their attitudes toward English learning were analyzed and studied in terms of cognitive attitudes, aff ective attitudes and behavioral attitudes. The results showed that students’ learning interest was enhanced and their attitudes toward learning English became more active and positive under the fl ipped classroom environment, which provides more opportunities for students to actively participate in learning. As a result,frontline teachers can adjust their teaching model to give full play to students’ initiative to enhance students’ positive learning attitudes and learning performance.


Flipped classroom; College English; Learning attitudes

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i7.7546
