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Some Thoughts on the Current Teaching Reform of Biochemistry

Miao Chen, Zhixin Chen, Yixiong Zheng, Ying Liu, Yingbin Xue


The teaching reform of biochemistry is one of the most important topics in biochemistry research and education. With the development of bioengineering and molecular diagnosis technology, a biochemistry curriculum that can refl ect and meet the needs of the 21st century is needed. This course should cover all relevant disciplines, from molecular biology to cell biology, genetic engineering and metabolic engineering. These disciplines all have their own core issues, but they need a cross integration of courses that can refl ect the needs of the current era, but also have appeal and adaptability. Based on the author’s years of biology teaching practice, this paper analyzes the main problems in biochemistry teaching and put forward the countermeasures.


University; Biochemistry; Teaching research methods

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i7.7558
