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An Analysis of Psychologists’ Interactional Metadiscourse in CCTV Program “Psychological Interview” ——from the Perspective of Rhetorical Persuasion Theory

Ningning Chen


Metadiscourse is an good way for writers to express their views and infl uence readers’ understanding of their discourse.Previous studies focused on written discourse, while little eff ort has been conducted in spoken discourse. Based on Hyland’s (2005) interpersonal model of discourse and Aristotle’s rhetoric persuasion theory, this study explores psychologists’ use of interactional metadiscourse in CCTV program “Psychological Interview” and how they are used to achieve appeals of persuasion. The result shows that psychologists use much boosters and engagement markers to enhance the persuasion of their discourse, and focus on the realization of credible appeal with boosters, hedges, self-mentions. Engagement markers, attitude markers, self-mentions are used achieve aff ective appeal.


Interactional metadiscourse; Psychologist; Appeal of persuasion

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i7.7601
