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The Infl uencing Factors of Adolescents’ Social Anxiety: A System Review

Xidou Liu


Social anxiety is a prevalent mental health disorder on young adolescents nowadays. People with diverse levels of social anxiety may generally manifests as feeling shy, embarrassment, nervous and daring not to show themselves in front of the public. Previous studies did have shown various factors that infl uence the formation of adolescents’ social anxiety but few study has overall concluded these factors hence this review investigated and summarized the psychological formations of adolescents social anxiety from extrinsic and intrinsic aspects which include family, peers and personal factors. It’s concluded that a mother who have high controlling desire, the children of whom have the tendency to have great social anxiety and parenting education about challenging have positive eff ects on adolescents’ well-being. Besides, the level of adolescents’ social anxiety are negatively correlated to their social status and adolescents in a peers group with eye-catching appearances generally have higher social anxiety level. In addition, adolescents’ self-compassion, self-effi cacy and self-statements are associated to their social anxiety.Thus, it’s suggested that the prevention and treatment of adolescents’ social anxiety could start with dealing with the problems of adolescents’ family and peers friends.


Social anxiety; Adolescents; Family; Peers; Self-compassion; Self-effi cacy; Self-statements

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i8.7848
