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A Study on the Relationship Between Junior High School Students’ Cognitive Style and Chinese and Mathematics Achievement

Kai Zhao


Objective: to understand the status of middle school students’ thinking style and academic performance, and to further understand and explore the relationship between the two. This will help middle school students improve their academic performance and understand and develop their learning advantages.Methods: Through careful collection of high school students’ accurate math and Chinese scores, then under the condition of limited time, let students do cognitive style tests, fi nally collected three variables, and studied the relationship between the three.In this study, 657 people in the 7th, 8th and 9th grades of Datong No.7 Middle School were tested with mosaic test whose reliability and validity have been proved to be feasible for countless times, and their mathematics and Chinese scores were collected for T test, F test and variance analysis. Results:(1) the diff erences of cognitive styles in grades 7, 8 and 9 (F=2.206,p<0.05) were statistically signifi cant; (2) the diff erence between male and female students in (t=-56.513,p<0.01) cognitive style, (t=-3.726,p<0.01) Chinese achievement has reached extremely signifi cant statistical signifi cance; (3) the diff erences in mathematics scores in 7, 8 and 9 years (F=12.651,p<0.01)were statistically signifi cant. (4) the score of mosaic pattern test is signifi cantly correlated with mathematics (r1=0.633, p<0.01)and the total score (r2=0.438,p<0.01) including the sum of Chinese and mathematics converted into z scores, and Chinese(r3=0.100,p<0.05).Conclusion: (1) In the three years when the nine-year obligation is coming to an end, there is little fl uctuation in some thinking styles of middle school students. Although they have gone through a storm period, the development of fi eld independence-fi eld dependence cognitive style has not reached a statistically signifi cant diff erence with the improvement of grade. (2) After entering the junior high school stage, the infl uence of gender factors on cognitive styles has become more and more important, and the diff erences of cognitive styles between diff erent genders have reached statistical signifi cance. (3) The research shows that with the grade improvement of junior high school students, the math scores and Chinese scores have
changed diff erently. The grade variation of math scores is large, while the Chinese scores are small. (4) This study concluded that the diff erence in Chinese achievement between boys and girls in junior high school was statistically signifi cant. The collected mathematics and total scores (converted into Z scores) of junior high school students are closely related to the mosaic test scores, and the correlation coeffi cients are statistically signifi cant. The correlation coeffi cients between the Z scores of Chinese and the mosaic test scores are also statistically signifi cant.


Cognitive style; Embedded Figure Test (EFT); Academic performance; Field independence; Field dependence

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i9.8059
