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Middle School Students the Relationship Between Teacherstudent Attachment, Pro-social Behaviour and Emotion Regulation Self-effi cacy

Kai Zhao


To understand the relationship between teacher-student attachment, pro-social behaviour and emotion regulation self-effi cacy among junior high school students, and to provide some help for adolescent mental health education.A total of 450 students from the fi rst and second grades of Datong Sixth Middle School were selected using the random number table method and participated in the completion of the Teacher-Student Attachment Scale, the Emotion Regulation Self-Effi cacy Scale and the Pro-Social Tendency Measure Questionnaire in class units. Results: (1) Diff erences in whether the classroom teacher was a classroom teacher reached statistical signifi cance on the help and acceptance dimension (t=3.673 ,p<0.01), the rejection dimension (t=-2.685,p<0.01) (2) The diff erence between the gender demographic variables of classroom teachers in the self-effi cacy for emotion regulation (t=-2.774 ,p<0.01) and pro-social behavior (t=-4.603, p<0.01) reached a statistically signifi cant and highly signifi cant level; (3) The age of classroom teachers (20-40, 40-60) reached a statistically signifi cant diff erence in the help and acceptance dimensions of teacher-student attachment (t=2.515, p<0.01). t=2.515 , p<0.05), and emotion regulation self-effi cacy (t=2.905 , p<0.01); but the diff erence in the rejection dimension (t= -3.366, p<0.01) reached statistical signifi cance;(4) In addition to the dimension of urgency in pro-social behaviour and the teacher-student attachment (r=0.074, p>0.05), and managing negative emotions self-effi cacy (r=-0.045, p>0.05) did not reach statistical signifi cance.Conclusions: (1) Whether or not being a classroom teacher made a diff erence in teacher-student attachment on the Helping and Acceptance dimension and Rejection dimension of teacher-student attachment reached a highly statistically signifi cant diff erence; the diff erence between classroom teachers’ age on Help and Acceptance dimension, Rejection dimension, and Emotion Regulation self-effi cacy was signifi cant; (2) The correlations between the dimensions of teacher-student attachment and emotion regulation self-effi cacy were statistically signifi cant, while the correlations between teacher-student attachment and pro-social behaviour were statistically extremely signifi cant; the correlations between emotion regulation self-effi cacy and pro-social behaviour were statistically signifi cant.


Teacher-student attachment; Pro-social behaviour; Emotion regulation self-effi cacy; Junior high school students

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i10.8170
