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The Impact of Wushu Sport on Student’s Self-discipline and Self-motivation Toward Achievind Life-long Skills

Jianglong Zhang, RIZAL DAPAT


This study assessed the impact of wushu sport on students’ self-discipline based on their emotional regulation,time management, healthy habits, and academic performance and students’ self-motivation based on their personal drive. The researcher used a descriptive-correlational design that was participated by 1276 respondents. The tests of signifi cant diff erence in the assessment of students of their self-motivation, respondents’ demographics specifically age didn’t infl uence their assessment,while sex did. Finally, the test of the significant relationship between self-discipline and self-motivation registered a result of weak positive correlation.


Self-discipline;Personal drive; Commitment; Initiative self-motivation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i12.8296
