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An Analysis of the Influence of East Asian Art on Impressionism

Jin Lin, Lian Jin


In the era of rapid technological and industrial development in the West, various industries began to rush to reform and breakthrough. Western painting was no exception, and began to transform from traditional academic painting to modern painting.At this time, the emergence of Impressionism was also eager to break through, and they projected their focus on East Asian art,which was completely contrary to the Western tradition, and used it as a breakthrough point to seek innovation. Therefore, East Asian art is refl ected in the subjects, language, forms and emotions of the Impressionists. This paper focuses on the changes brought by East Asian art to Impressionism, as well as the case study of specific painters, to explain the infl uence of East Asian art on Impressionism.


East Asian art; Impressionism; Color; Composition

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i12.8355
