To What Extent do Chinese International Students at a Higher Education Institution in New Zealand Find Online Learning Motivating or Demotivating?
The online learning model is rapidly becoming a new way of learning. As with any learning model, learner motivation needs to be carefully monitored as it is one of the most influential factors on student learning. Within this growing group of online learners are international students, and their motivation levels are important for their learning. With a large proportion of international students in higher education in New Zealand, the international student population cannot be ignored. This study explored the experiences of Chinese international students' motivation levels in an online learning environment at an established higher education institution in New Zealand. This study used a mixed methods approach to understand students' motivation and engagement when learning online at a higher education institution in New Zealand. The analysis of Chinese international students' views and experiences will provide educators in higher education institutions with useful insights into how the use of online learning can increase or decrease Chinese international students' motivation.
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